So, my last session of pt was great. I was working hard and really fast. After reading some of the blogs from other people I follow, and that follow me. I realize my pt is a bit conservative in progressing. I feel like if I can physically run, we should get to work. With all that being said I feel like I am ready to start pushing myself even harder. For most people that know me personally they know I push myself really hard to get into great physical condition. I have made the decision to rehab up to a year, then get back into any intense training. I am also finally excited about tossing the pig skin around, my lateral movement is getting better. I did have some what of a scare last week. I was moving a table with a monitor on it at my office, and my right leg popped really loud. Seeing how my left knee was the injured one, i started to freak out. Even if it was only a small pop, and no swelling, loss of motion or pain. My quad felt fatigued. So, I had it checked out with one of my team trainers, and found that it was all good. I just have been working it out 5 days a week, it all caught up to me, and I was forced to rest it for a few days straight. My cardio is getting better 40 mins on the machines, and my strength is finally back. 235 on the bench press, 185 shoulder press, 70 bicep curls. Not too bad for a 180 lb football player. Aside from rehabbing my left knee, I have been dealing with this new Apple 3.0 software update that totally killed my wifi, and blue tooth on my iPhone. Being a software developer\ data base engineer I should either be able to figure it out, but NO! Apple has been sucking ass lately. I have an appointment with a Mac Genius today, hopefully they will replace my phone, and everything will be all good. So, for next week, I will see my doc again, and progress. To everyone out there dealing with this, good luck, and remember work your ass off.
Fernando #5
Grats on hitting week 12! btw your surgeon should have given you a protocol to follow. If your PT is slackin with regards to that protocol then give him the boot!