Saturday, April 18, 2009


So, now on to the dog days of recovery. These are the days in between where you are not actually in the PT's office, but you are still getting your workouts in. Today was the most involved day that I have had since knee surgery. My older sister who is almost due to give birth texts me today that she thinks she is going into labor. So, I am out getting a haircut, since I have not had one in 4 weeks. I rush to her house, and she is putting on make up, so down to the important thing, her new PC died, so we rush to best buy, exchange it for a mac. During this time my knee is pretty sore from walking around. I get her home, she goes off to the hospital and I come home. For those who are wondering, it was false labor. I come home, take some naproxen, and fall asleep. Wake up, get in the gym and get a good work out in, come home, and do my PT work out, eat and watch some NBA playoff action. Now, I'm ready for a shower, and I notice my knee is pretty sore, and swollen. Now, its back to the same routine, ICE, moisturize my incision, and elevate. That is life at this point, ICE, heat, and elevate every chance I get. It's mundane, but trust me, it helps not only relive pain, but the healing process. Right now since you can not be as active, you need to help your body heal by eating healthy, resting enough, and icing, heating, and moisturizing. Trust me, i am a gym rat, i would rather be out squatting, working on my throws, or most importantly getting ready for wild card weekend tomorrow in the AEFL, but instead, I am at home Icing, playing XBOX, and doing a modified workout routine. In due time I will be out running, lifting, throwing, and getting back to my normal form till them. Its icing, heating, and PT. Till next time, ill update you on some of the games from tomorrow, I will be in attendance, I hope.

FAZ #5

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