Monday, April 27, 2009

Week Number 5

This week by far has been the best since ACL surgery. The swelling is getting scarce, I can walk with out my brace more. Life has been good. So, at this point my knee is in the middle of healing. It takes 6 to 13 weeks for the ligament to fuse, and start to get stronger. At that point, you still have some work to do to get to better form, but at least you can work out, and put your body thru a more rigorus work out.  So, for now I will have PT tomorrow, and we will see what Will has in store for me. I have been reading up on Hydroworx, which seems to be controversal because it's a constant work under water, like running, plyometrics, and other intense work outs. If I was guranteed no ingury during my workout, then I would so go for it, but for now, i plan on working in some more underwater workouts as this would take the pressure of your surgically repaired knee. Well kiddies, till next time. On a serious note, I want to send out my consolences to Steve Hickman, to his family. God Bless from #5, and all the AEFL family....

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